Category: Landscaping

Artificial Turf for Manteca Putting Greens: Is DIY a Good Idea?

Artificial Turf for Manteca Putting Greens: Is DIY a Good Idea?

Some homeowners attempt to install artificial turf in Manteca themselves in order to save money. After all, what can be so hard about removing natural grass and replacing it with synthetic turf? Unfortunately, this can easily backfire, especially if you’re trying to...
Artificial Grass Putting Greens in Manteca: Green and Disease-Free

Artificial Grass Putting Greens in Manteca: Green and Disease-Free

Lawn diseases can take many forms, from rings to slimes, threads, brown patches and spots. And once your yard gets sick, it can be hard – sometimes impossible – to treat. It’s bad enough having to deal with these on a regular lawn, but in a backyard putting...